"Healthy" Foods with Hidden Sugar: "Natural" Peanut Butter
"Paleo" and "vegan" – two words that really shouldn't be in the same sentence.
These two diets couldn’t be on further ends of the spectrum from one another but they have something in common – people who commit to them often have incredible results.
What’s the common denominator? They cut out added sugar!
Most people are amazed when they find out just how much added sugar is hiding in many of today’s common “health foods.”
I took a trip to the grocery store recently to dig up some dirt…
"Health" foods that aren't: "natural" peanut butter
Sugar is the second ingredient!
Instead of going with the peanut butter options advertised as "natural" at your grocery store, consider buying the versions without sugar in the ingredients list. They're usually located in the natural/organic aisles.